Skinny Blueberry Banana Bread

Hello Friends! After a bit of prolonged neglect toward this blog of mine, I have decided to finally make a comeback. Whether or not anyone will even care is still in question (haha). Last night Chase & I tried some delicious banana bread our good friend Mia made, and he hasn’t stopped talking about it since. So, being the good little wife I am (LOL) I decided to make my own spin. This recipe is deceivingly healthy (and even gluten free!)—despite tasting quite naughty—but that’s what we all want, right? The taste of decadence without the calories.



Think it looks delicious? Here are all the ingredients: (just an fyi that brown-looking substance in the measuring cup is honey straight from a beehive on Chase’s family’s land in Cananda. It’s naturally a darker color, so my bread turned out darker than yours most likely will).


I make my own oat flour. All I do is buy old-fashioned oats from Smiths and throw a few cups into our Vitamix and grind it on high for about 30 seconds. And, BOOM. Oat flour.DSC_3219

Sorry. The blueberries just looked to beautiful and delicious. Of course I had to take a picture. DSC_3229

Here’s what you’ll need:

—2 eggs
—1/2 cup honey (or agave or maple syrup)
—1 tablespoon vanilla
—2 cups mashed ripe bananas
—2 cups oat flour (measured AFTER you grind the oats, not before)
—1/2 teaspoon salt
—1 teaspoon baking powder
—1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
—1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
—1.5 cups blueberries

Preheat oven to about 375 degrees. Combine eggs, honey, mashed bananas and vanilla. In separate bowl mix flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, nutmeg & cinnamon. Then add in wet mixture. Fold in blueberries.


Bake for about 1 hour (But keep checking on it—everyone’s ovens are different). Let completely cool before serving—when I first took it out it was still a little soft in the middle, but hardened up after I let it sit and cool down for awhile.


And there you have it. SCORE. Fast & healthy—and your family or friends or whoever you make it for will think you’re just the bomb-diggity, guaranteed.

Happy sunday, beautiful homies! (Yes that is a line I use daily).



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